The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes - Volume Two: Captain America Reborn!
Studio: Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment

Plot Summary:
Get ready for more action-packed adventure with The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes - Volume 2. The excitement reaches new heights as the best of the Marvel� Universe stand together to battle Klaw, Baron Zemo, The Enchantress, and a horde of the Leader's Gamma-Mutated Monsters.

Bring home six sensational episodes from Season One of Marvel's Newest animated series. With an exclusive bonus feature, a sneak peek at the secrets of Season Two, for every fan of thrills and adventure.

DVD Bonus Features:
- New Stories, New Threats: What makes the Marvel Super Heroes and Villains so unique and a hint at what's in store for Season Two.

DVD Technical Specs:
-Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1 Enhanced for 16x9 televisions
-Description Modifier: English SDH, Spanish subtitles
-Sound:Dolby Digital 5.1

Additional Details:
-Original Release Date: April 26th, 2011
-Approximate Run Time: 137 minutes

The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes - Volume Two: Captain America Reborn! DVD Release Review
By James Harvey

Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment (WDSHE) brings six more episodes of The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes to single-disc DVD release and, much like the animated program itself, there's little to complain about. Packaging is a standard Amaray case tucked snugly in a foil-embossed cardboard slipcase. Looks sharp and will be hard to miss on shelves.

Digging in, WDSHE provided what I find to be a satisfying release. In terms of audio and video, you really can't ask for better here. The widescreen transfer on all included episodes is pretty spectacular and near flawless. Yes, there's some slight compression and noticeable aliasing, but you won't see it unless you're looking for it. The colors are bright and vibrant, the blacks are solid, and everything appears smooth. This is a seriously high-quality transfer, something that seems to becoming a rarity on DVD thanks to Blu-ray. This show will look stunning on your TV and, thankfully, it'll sound just as excellent. The English Dolby Digital 5.1 track is crystal clear and, at times, just thunderous. Action scenes pop and work all the channels, with quieter scenes sounding just as crisp. This title definitely deserves to be played loud!

Extras are slim but still enjoyable. Outside of the standard collection of trailers (including a trailer for the live-action Thor theatrical film...but no Captain America?), bonus content consists of the roughly seven-minute featurette "New Stories, New Threats," which delivers exactly what the names suggests. The second season is shaping up to be something pretty spectacular based on this featurette, and the similar one on the other single-disc volume release, but be warned this featurette contains a fair amount of spoilers. If you want to go into the remaining first season episodes spoiler-free, well...avoid these featurettes! If not, then check out some genuinely exciting teases for next season.

My only real gripe here is that I wish this WDSHE released a two-disc set as opposed to a single-disc volume release. More episodes would be key, but I still urge fans to support these titles so we can see further episodes released down the line. A first volume was released alongside a this single-disc DVD collection of with the first seven The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes episodes, so be sure to get the matching set!

Basically, if you picked up the first The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes DVD title, then you need this one. It's a matched set! Plus, you get six more episodes of what is probably Marvel's most accessible animated series to date. New fans can easily latch on to it and, at the same time, the die-hard fans aren't left behind. It just does a remarkable job walking that fine line and doesn't disappoint. Toss in a great look at the future for the series, plus excellent audio/video quality, and this release is a must have for fans. The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes - Volume Two: Captain America Reborn! is not to be missed!