Review And Media by Stu
Episode Episode #3 - Kang
Original Airdate November 13th, 1999
The villainous Kang travels from the future in order to steal a crystal that will allow him to commit crimes in other times.
Credits (Part One)
Written By: Brooks Wachtel
Directed By: Ron Myrick
Music Composed By: Shuki Levy and Kussa Mahchi
Animation Services By: Sae Rom
Guest Starring: Martin Roach as The Falcon, Ron Rubin as The Vision, Rod Wilson as Ant-Man, Linda Ballantyne as The Wasp,
Stavroula Logothettis as Scarlet Witch and Lenore Zann as Tigra.
Our first normal episode of The Avengers and there�s still no good to be found in the episode. Kang was better than I expected, and a much better villain than Ultron, but the majority of the episode is tedious, and Kang�s defeat was pathetically obvious to even those barely paying attention.
We�re three episodes and I still don�t care for any of the main characters like I feel I should be. They�re all so simply clich�d and unimaginative that they�re becoming tiresome. I remind you again, we�re three episodes in. Ant Man is simply a joke � I�ve no idea who decided to make this C stringer the group�s leader, but damn, he�s simply painful to watch. Speaking of painful, the transformation sequences from the opening episodes return, and they�re still cringe-worthy. These stupid armour up sequences need to stop. I don�t mind the repeated animation for the transformation sequences if it�s done well to begin with, the changing sequences in the 1980�s The Incredible Hulk for example, but The Avengers is so loud, cheesy and tacky. I roll my eyes at it every time.
I�ve read some scathing reviews of this show online so I was prepared for the worst, but I�ve yet to find even the slightest thing that I like about the show. The roster sucks, the characters are lame, the voices are awful, the designs are crap and the music doesn�t fare much better. Comparing this to the likes of Spider-Man, X-Men or Iron Man is pointless, even on the aforementioned shows worst day, it�s still so much better than this tripe. Yes, even The Sea Shall Give Up It�s Dead is better than this.
Do I dare watch the rest of the series?
Part One
