What A Vision Has To Do
Review And Media by Stu
Episode Episode #10 - What A Vision Has To Do
Original Airdate January 29th, 2000
The Vision uses himself as bait as the team attempt one final strike against Ultron!
Directed By: Ron Myrick
Music Composed By: Shuki Levy and Kussa Mahchi
Animation Services By: Sae Rom
Guest Starring: Martin Roach as The Falcon, Ron Rubin as The Vision, Rod Wilson as Ant-Man, Linda Ballantyne as The Wasp,
Stavroula Logothettis as Scarlet Witch and Lenore Zann as Tigra.
This episode sees us revisit Wonder Man, who of course, is now part of Vision - Sort of. Unfortunately, it also means yet another appearance from Ultron, one of the most painful supervillains I�ve ever had the displeasure of seeing.
I feel I should apologise to any people who actually like this show, because I�m sorry, but I�ve yet to see a single aspect of the show I like. It�s becoming simply painful to watch and I have thicker skin than most � I�ve created sites on Spider-Man Unlimited and The Marvel Action Hour, but this takes the biscuit.
The seeds are apparently being planted for a romance between Vision and Wanda, but there�s absolutely no chemistry between them. Vision is a two dimensional bore as well as being an eyesore, and Wanda is simply cringe worthy. Her voice is just� ugh, words can�t explain how awful it is. Her design is also screwed up, her angular face looks like�s a surgeon�s worst nightmare and her costume is oddly a combination of purple and pink, despite the fact her name is The Scarlet Witch. Now, I�ve no idea what was going on the crews head at the time of this show, but please � her name is The Scarlet Witch. Make her bloody costume Scarlet! Is it that difficult?
Now is the time I�m beginning to question whether or not making an Avengers site in the middle of an alcohol detox is a good idea.
