Dr. Franklin Storm
First Appearance: Behold A Distant Star
Voice: Richard McGonacle
Bio:Johnny believed his father was killed at an early age. After the death of his
wife in a horrific car accident, grief-stricken, Dr. Storm began gambling. After
losing everything, some men attempted to reclaim there money, and a shot was
accidentally fired, killing the man. Dr. Storm ran, and informed Sue that he was
ok, but told her not to tell Johnny, and to let him believe his father had died.
When Sue was injured when Skrulls attacked Earth, only her Father was qualified
to perform the surgery needed to save her life. Once he performed the operation,
he was lead away in changes. Whilst incarcerated, he was beamed to the Skrull�s
ship, and replaced with Superskrull, who used his shape changing abilities to
fool everyone into thinking he was Dr. Storm. Once Reed uncovered the Skrull�s
plans, he demanded that the real Franklin Storm be returned at once. He was
beamed down to Earth, only he was booby trapped with an explosive device. He was
killed by the bomb.. |