Bios - H.E.R.B.I.E.
Voiced by: Sam Vincent
First Appearance: Trial By Fire
HERBIE is the single most advanced artificial intelligence on the planet. Created by Reed Richards, HERBIE is the mind and persona behind Reed�s computer systems. He handles the lab, the building security systems, controls the elevators, and even takes care of household pests.
HERBIE is typically a happy-go-lucky, enthusiastic personality; however, high pressure situations, contradictory commands, or just being confronted with the impossible can send HERBIE into a tail spin. He can be an eager to please child, or can have a neurotic, fear-induced meltdown. The slightest thought that Reed is unhappy with him is one thing that will make him crazy. For a computer, HERBIE is a bit young and na�ve. He doesn�t quite have a handle on other people�s emotions yet�confusing �happy� with �sad,� for instance. Delivering bad news with a perky, excited voice is something he doesn�t see a problem with.
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