She Hulk

Real Name: Jennifer Walters
First Appearance: Doomed
Voice: Lisa Zane (Season One), Cree Summer (Season Two)
Bruce’s Banner’s cousin and best childhood friend, Jennifer Walters was transformed into She Hulk after a blood transfusion from her cousin radiated her blood. With her super strength, good looks and a new found confidence in herself, she travelled to New York with Bruce, as he searched for a cure for the both of them. After attempting to woo the thing, she realised that he still loved Alicia. She also realised that someone like her couldn’t accompany Banner on his quest for a cure, as her appearance made it too difficult for him to stay hidden. She returned to Washington and continued to practise Law.

She didn’t see Bruce again until she represented him in Court. After helping Green Hulk defeat The Leader and Gargoyle, she decided to accompany him for his search for a cure, and the 2 went on the road, together.