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Hollywood Rocks
Review And Media by Stu

Episode #19 - Hollywood Rocks
Original Airdate 9th November, 1997

Dr. Doom plans plans to take over the world as She Hulk beings to star in her own movie.

Written By: Diane Fresco
Directed By: Ron Myrick
Music Composed By: Shuki Levy and Kussa Mahchi
Animation Services By: Sae Rom Productions
Guest Starring: Neal McDonough as Dr. Robert Bruce Banner, Lou Ferrigno as The Hulk, Cree Summers as She Hulk and Simon Templeman as Dr. Doom.

Review: Dear Lord, where to start�

I�ve always loved Dr. Doom. Whether it be on the good Fantastic Four, his appearance on Spider-Man in Secret Wars or his original appearance in the first season of The Incredible Hulk, I think he�s one of the coolest villains ever. This however, is nothing but a stain on Doom�s good name.

Now, usually I�d have gone for a revamp on this design, as I was never too impressed with it on Fantastic Four, but God, they managed to make a mediocre design terrible. Doom�s jaw now moved whenever he spoke, and it simply looked absolutely ridiculous.

I�d have loved to see someone take a proper stab at this story. I think the return of Doom; the man responsible for Jen Walter�s transformation into She Hulk to begin with, could�ve made for a fantastic story. Instead, it�s lost in a stupid story filled with terrible Hollywood puns.

This episode arguably features one of the stupidest moments in the entire series. Hulk stuck in space jumps down to Earth. Y�know space, the place where there�s no bloody gravity to pull him down. That�s ignoring the fact that space is thousands of miles away, and Hulk�s limited air supply would�ve run out before he managed to get anywhere.

Such a terrible, terrible episode. Possibly the worst the show had to offer.
