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And The Wind Cries...Wendigo!
Review And Media by Stu

Episode #10 - And The Wind Cries...Wendigo!
Original Airdate November 24th, 1997

Hulk and General Ross are shackled together in the forest whilst Betty is kidnapped by a beast called Wendigo. Can the foes

Written By: Meg McLaughlin
Directed By: Tom Tataranowicz, Richard Trueblood
Music Composed By: Shuki Levy and Kussa Mahchi
Animation Services By: Sae Rom Productions
Guest Starring: Neal McDonough as Dr. Robert Bruce Banner, Lou Ferrigno as The Hulk, Genie Francis as Betty Ross, John Vernon as General 'Thunderbolt' Ross, Shadoe Stevens as Doc Samson, Leeza Miller McGee as Wendigo and Michael Horse as Jefferson Whitedeer

Review: This episode is widely known as the one that FOX wouldn�t let Wolverine guest star in throughout the Internet. It could�ve been a complete mess having to write him out of it, but the episode�s still pretty good. It�s not fantastic, a little below average for Hulk, but it�s still not bad.

I personally find native American/spiritual tribes to be a tremendous bore, and have yet to see a single one of these types of episodes entertain me. I find them to be clich�d messes, and this wasn�t much different. Having some great development for General Ross makes it up for, though. The shackles were used in Spider-Man, with webhead and J. Jonah Jameson tied together fighting Spider Slayers, but this was a little deeper, if only because it was longer. Ross really could�ve fitted into the 2D soldier mode, but he was actually well written between his love for Betty and his duty to capture The Hulk. Talbot never really got this kind of depth, but he wasn�t used as much.

Whilst it would�ve been awesome to see a Wolverine/Hulk story, I�m not gonna complain too much as this kept me entertained for 20 minutes.
