First Appearance: And The Sea Shall Give Up It's Dead
Real Name : Clint Bartib
Voice: John Reilly
An expert marksman with a short temper, Clint Barton was the joker of the group, often to the chagrin of the other
When Forceworks relocated Hawkeye was the first to leave, full of hatred of Tony and his constant �lone wolf�
attitude. After being crushed by a tower, Iron Man saved his life by implementing a chip in the base of his spine.
Asking for Clint�s forgiveness for making Forceworks spilt up, Hawkeye refused and the two went their separate ways.
With The Mandarin�s return and his anti-technology fog rendering Iron Man�s armour useless, Forceworks reunited
in order to stop the ringed villain. Donning new, anti-technology armour, Iron Man let Hawkeye take charge and the
two of them defeated the Mandarin one last time, reconciled their differences and reformed Forceworks.