Review and Media By Stu
Episode #15 - One Eyed Idol Review: A hunter comes into town and uses a hypnotic� thing to hypnotise and rob J. Jonah Jameson (who else?) Quite why Kraven The Hunter wasn�t used remains a mystery but eh, this new villain had an amusing accent, so it all worked out well in the end. The loss of Kraven won�t keep me up at night. If you haven�t already noticed by some of the embarrassingly short reviews from this once proud Marvel Animation Age Webmaster, this show is very difficult to review, as there�s very little depth to the show. It really is one of those shows that you either like, or you don�t. I�ve no doubt the fact that I grew up with the show greatly effects my judgement of it, but the simple fact is, the episode is either good or bad. There�s rarely a bad episode with good parts in it, generally, if the villain sucks, the episode sucks. And in this case? The villain wasn�t bad, and neither was the episode. Screenshots: |