Review and Media By Stu
Episode #9 - Sands Of Crime Review: Sandman has never been the most interesting of villains to me, basically as he has no other definition other than his powers. He should fit right at home here then. Very little if any character development appeared in the show, but as I�ve said before, it�s not a bad thing. This is a comedy cartoon featuring an action hero, in my opinion. When Ralph Bashki turned it into a full-fledged action show, it sucked. Badly. A man turning into sand isn�t exactly the most threatening of powers, but they managed to turn it around by having the episode set on a beach. The beginning of the episode made me laugh. Poor Spidey, being inches away from a diamond only seconds after it was stolen! Taking the blame once again, Jameson receives the ransom bill for the diamond. I�m not sure why the criminals of New York seem to think Jameson will foot the bill for everything, but he�s at it once again here! This is basically an average episode. Sandman wasn�t up to much in terms of writing or visuals, and a lot of the plot could arguably been seen in other episodes. Screenshots: |