The Immortal Vampire
Review by Amazing Spidey, Media By Kolbar

Episode #23 - The Immortal Vampire
Original Airdate February 10, 1996

Spider-Man and Blade team up to stop Morbius turning Felicia into a vampire!

Written By: John Semper and Meg McLaughlin
Music Composed By: Shuki Levy and Kussa Mahchi
Animation Services By: Toyko Movie Shinsha (TMS)
Guest Starring: Christopher Daniel Barnes as Spider-Man/Peter Parker,Nick Jameson as Michael Morbius, Dawnn Lewis as Detective Terry Lee, J.D. Hall as Blade, Malcolm McDowell as Whistler and Jennifer Hale as Felicia Hardy

Review: A twist in the Morbius plot, he now wanted to remain a vampire. It makes it hard to sympathise with someone who's willing hurts people, but well� as evident in his first couple of appearances, he was a jerk anyway. He and Felicia where perfect for each other. Thankfully, someone at the end of the episode remembered that Morbius came to America to stop a plague. You can't say the boy wasn't ambitious.

The romantic angle between Blade and Terry Lee (another character brought in!) wasn�t anything special. With the past couple of episodes all but ignoring Peter, it was nice to see him here again, even if it did beg the question, how was Peter and Spider-Man going to be at the scene to capture Morbius? Well, they didn�t. Spider-Man wasn�t there and Blade and co didn�t care. It was odd. Especially the scene were Blade shouts "If you'd have been there!" and Spidey storms out. Very odd to say the least.

This episode didn�t work as well as arguably it should have. When both Felicia and Aunt May where kidnapped, we should�ve felt more for Peter�s potential loss. After all, in the previous episode he�d just lost Mary Jane, now the other 2 important people in his life where near death�where�s the drama? Lost in a sea of characters. Most of them unneeded. Like this whole arc, unfortunatly.

The ending, in which Morbius turning into a giant bat was unexpected, but overall, this episode was a let down. It wasn't too bad, but because of his later appearance it was basically wasted.
