Review And Media by Amazing Spidey
Episode #32 - The Rocket Racer Written By: Doug Booth and Mark Hoffmeier Music Composed By: Shuki Levy and Kussa Mahchi Animation Services By: Toyko Movie Shinsha (TMS) Guest Starring: Christopher Daniel Barnes as Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Jennifer Hale as Felicia Hardy. Billy Attmore as The Rocket Racer/Robert Farrell, Michael Des Barres as Jackson Weele and Mark Hamill as Jason Phillips Review: This is it, easily the worst episode of the entire series, in the opinion of just about every Spider-Man fan alive. First of all, the Rocket Racer has got to be one of the stupidest villains ever. Here, for some reason, he later became a hero. The real villain of the piece was The Big Wheel. The Big Wheel was basically a man, rolling around in a huge wheel. What kind of stupid villain is that?The Rocket Racer himself was a typical, and very annoying angry young black man who talked down to Spidey about what it takes to survive in his neighbourhood. He�s talking down to Spidey, who beats the like of Doc Ock, Venom and The Lizard. People who are actually dangerous. If you�ve read any of the previous reviews from this site, or visited the message board attached to it, you�ll know I love this series, but even I can�t stand to watch this episode. We never saw Beetle or Sandman but we see both Rocket Racer and Big Wheel in the same episode. Why were we subjected to this? And to rub salt into the wound why is this one of the few episodes to be treated on DVD? Did we do something wrong in a previous life? It started out ok, with Spider-Man and Felicia, and quickly took a complete nosedive. For a series that had so many strong episodes and characters, I found it hard to believe this one was allowed to be made. For some amusing reviews of the episode, check out the message board, which features some classics such as �(This) episode is surely one where I'd rather be repeatedly hit over the head with an anvil than be subjected to it� and �I'm afraid this is the one. The unforgivable episode that never should have been.� At least The Spot actually had reason to exist, they needed that dimensional transporter machine for The Goblin, but this? Ugh. I've already wasted enough time telling you how bad it is. Screenshots: |