Review and Media by Stu
Episode #4 - Deadly Choices Written By: Steve Perry Directed By: Patrick Archibald Review: This episode takes the time to go into the back story of one of the humans that John Jameson hangs around with, Git. His bizarre appearance and mute personality actually made him the one I was most interested in seeing again after watching Worlds Apart as well, the rest of them seemed to be quite dull. They�re all fleshed out a little more here, and Git is still the most interesting of them. I actually felt sorry for the character, and I haven�t felt anything except boredom and anger since I started watching this series.The flashbacks to Git�s childhood were actually pretty well done, and it actually made The Beastials seem more like sick, evil villains rather than just talking animals with a better than thou attitude. On the subject of The Beastials, it�s getting harder to watch them. Sir Ram�s arrogant dialogue doesn�t help matters at all, but the simple fact is, they aren�t interesting� in the slightest. Perhaps I�m having too difficult a time getting over talking animals ruling the world, but it seems to far �out there� for Spider-Man. There were a lot of elements here to reference in future episodes, with someone (voiced by Rino Ramano, which means it�s probably The Green Goblin) stalking Jaime and his Mother, and Venom and Carnage now have the bomb that everybody spent the entire episode fighting over. Overall though, nothing seems to be standing out in the episodes. There�s no oomph or spark to any of it. Perhaps the very premises of the series is too far away from the Spider-Man I know and love, but I�m really not feeling any of this show so far. It never quite reaches a good level. It�s either terrible, simply bad or just watchable. There�s still time to improve, but I don�t think the show has it in it. Screenshots: |