X-Men: The Animated Series Episode Order Dispute

It is no secret that X-Men: The Animated Series was plagued with production troubles from the first season,
resulting in a host of episodes being shuffled around to accomidate the demanding airdate schedule. Episodes
would routinely air out of order, sometimes years out of order. This eventually resulted in many different
episode guides coming about, all featuring different airdates and episode orders. Writer Stephen Melching
discussed X-Men: The Animated Series' unique problems in the past on old message board and usenet groups.
Below is what he had to say on different disputes concerning the proper X-Men: The Animated Series
episode order.
For those of you keeping score, below is a list
of X-Men episodes by *script number*. This order
reflects the sequence in which the stories were
assigned to writers, and is a good guide for how
the series was *initially* planned to develop....
Also included is the number FCN assigned to
each episode, which reflects the order in which
production materials were received from Saban,
not necessarily the order in which they aired.
(For example, a "one-light" video of "Longshot"
was received by FCN and thus assigned a number,
but it was sent back for lots of retakes...)
NOTE: I re-arranged some titles so they would fall
in sequence by FCN #.
01 XM-101 Night of the Sentinels, Part One
02 XM-102 Night of the Sentinels, Part 2
03 XM-103 Enter Magneto
04 XM-104 Deadly Reunions
05 XM-105 Captive Hearts
06 XM-106 Cold Vengeance
07 XM-107 Slave Island
08 XM-108 The Unstoppable Juggernaut
09 XM-109 The Cure
10 XM-110 Come the Apocalypse
11 XM-111 Days of Future Past, Part One
12 XM-112 Days of Future Past, Part Two
13 XM-113 The Final Decision
14 XM-201 'Til Death Do Us Part, Part One
15 XM-202 'Til Death Do Us Part, Part Two
16 XM-203 Whatever It Takes
17 XM-204 Red Dawn
18 XM-205 Repo Man
19 XM-206 X-Ternally Yours
20 XM-207 Time Fugitives, Part One
21 XM-208 Time Fugitives, Part Two
22 XM-209 A Rogue's Tale
23 XM-210 Beauty and the Beast
24 XM-211 MojoVision
25 XM-212 Reunion, Part One
26 XM-213 Reunion, Part Two
27 XM-301 Out of the Past, Part One
28 XM-302 Out of the Past, Part Two
29 XM-303 The Phoenix Saga, Part One: Sacrifice
30 XM-304 The Phoenix Saga, Part Two: The Dark Shroud
31 XM-305 The Phoenix Saga, Part Three: Cry of the Banshee
32 XM-306 The Phoenix Saga, Part Four: The Starjammers
33 XM-307 The Phoenix Saga, Part Five: Child of Light
34 XM-308 No Mutant Is An Island
35 XM-309 Obsession
36 XM-310 Longshot
37 XM-311 Cold Comfort
38 XM-312 Savage Land, Savage Heart, Part One
39 XM-313 Savage Land, Savage Heart, Part Two
40 XM-314 The Dark Phoenix Saga, Part One: Dazzled
41 XM-315 The Dark Phoenix Saga, Part Two: The Inner Circle
42 XM-316 The Dark Phoenix Saga, Part Three: The Dark Phoenix
43 XM-317 The Dark Phoenix Saga, Part Four: The Fate of the Phoenix
44 XM-318 Orphan's End
46 XM-319 The Juggernaut Returns
53 XM-320 Nightcrawler
61 XM-321 Weapon X, Lies, and Videotape
45 XM-401 Love In Vain
47 XM-402 A Deal with the Devil
48 XM-403 Sanctuary, Part One
49 XM-404 Sanctuary, Part Two
50 XM-405 Xavier Remembers
51 XM-406 Courage
52 XM-407 Secrets Not Long Buried
54 XM-408 One Man's Worth, Part One
55 XM-409 One Man's Worth, Part Two
56 XM-410 Proteus, Part One
57 XM-411 Proteus, Part Two
58 XM-412 Family Ties
60 XM-413 The Lotus and the Steel
62 XM-414 Have Yourself A Morlock Little Christmas
63 XM-415 Beyond Good and Evil, Part One: The End of Time
64 XM-416 Beyond Good and Evil, Part Two: Promise of Apocalypse
65 XM-417 Beyond Good and Evil, Part Three: The Lazarus Chamber
66 XM-418 Beyond Good and Evil, Part Four: End and Beginning
67 XM-419 The Phalanx Covenant, Part One
68 XM-420 The Phalanx Covenant, Part Two
69 XM-421 Storm Front, Part One
70 XM-422 Storm Front, Part Two
59 XM-423 Bloodlines
71 XM-501 The Fifth Horseman
72 XM-502 Jubilee's Fairy Tale Theatre
73 XM-503 Old Soldiers
74 XM-504 Hidden Agendas
75 XM-505 Descent
76 XM-506 Graduation Day
Marvel Comics also released an episode guide, one noticeably different than the one provided above by Melching. The episode order is drastically different beginning
in the third season. Continue below to view the X-Men: The Animated Series episode guide as
according to Marvel Comics. The following guide was originally presented in the animated spin-off comic title
X-Men Adventures.
X-Men: The Animated Series Episode Guide
01: - "Night Of The Sentinels" (part 1)
02: - "Night Of The Sentinels" (part 2)
03: - "Enter: Magneto"
04: - "Deadly Reunions"
05: - "Captive Hearts"
06: - "Cold Vengeance"
07: - "Slave Island"
08: - "The Unstoppable Juggernaut"
09: - "The Cure"
10: - "Come The Apocalypse"
11: - "Days Of Future Past" (part 1)
12: - "Days Of Future Past" (part 2)
13: - "The Final Decision"
14: - "Till Death Do Us Part" (part 1)
15: - "Till Death Do Us Part" (part 2)
16: - "Whatever It Takes"
17: - "Red Dawn"
18: - "Repo Man"
19: - "X-ternally Yours"
20: - "Time Fugitives" (part 1)
21: - "Time Fugitives" (part 2)
22: - "A Rouge's Tale"
23: - "Beauty And The Beast"
24: - "Mojovision"
25: - "Reunion" (part 1)
26: - "Reunion" (part 2)
27: - "Out Of The Past" (part 1)
28: - "Out Of The Past" (part 2)
29: - "The Phoenix Saga pt.1: Sacrifice"
30: - "The Phoenix Saga pt.2: The Dark Shroud"
31: - "The Phoenix Saga pt.3: Cry Of The Banshee"
32: - "The Phoenix Saga pt.4: The Starjammers"
33: - "The Phoenix Saga pt.5: Child Of Light"
34: - "No Mutant Is An Island"
35: - "Obsession"
36: - "Longshot"
37: - "Cold Comfort"
38: - "Savage Land, Strange Heart" (part 1)
39: - "Savage Land, Strange Heart" (part 2)
40: - "Dark Phoenix pt.1: Dazzled"
41: - "Dark Phoenix pt.2: Inner Circle"
42: - "Dark Phoenix pt.3: The Dark Phoenix"
43: - "Dark Phoenix pt.4: Fate Of The Phoenix"
44: - "Orphan's End"
45: - "Love In Vain"
46: - "The Juggernaut Returns"
47: - "A Deal With The Devil"
48: - "Sanctuary" (part 1)
49: - "Sanctuary" (part 2)
50: - "Family Ties"
51: - "Nightcrawler"
52: - "Secrets, Not Long Buried"
53: - "Weapon X, Lies, And Videotape"
54: - "One Man's Worth" (part 1)
55: - "One Man's Worth" (part 2)
56: - "Proteus" (part 1)
57: - "Proteus" (part 2)
58: - "Phalanx Covenant" (part 1)
59: - "Phalanx Covenant" (part 2)
60: - "The Lotus And The Steel"
61: - "Courage"
62: - "Have Yourself A Morlock Little X-Mas"
63: - "Beyond Good And Evil" (part 1)
64: - "Beyond Good And Evil" (part 2)
65: - "Beyond Good And Evil" (part 3)
66: - "Beyond Good And Evil" (part 4)
67: - "Xavier Remembers"
68: - "Bloodlines"
69: - "Storm Front" (part 1)
70: - "Storm Front" (part 2)
71: - "The Fifth Horseman"
72: - "Jubilee's Fairytale Theatre"
73: - "Old Soldiers"
74: - "Hidden Agendas"
75: - "Descent"
76: - "Graduation Day"
Concerning production issues, resulting in these erratic guide changes, Melching said the following:
It proved next to impossible to get the
overseas animation houses to deliver airable episodes in any
kind of order. It got so bad on X-Men that the first episode
we wrote for the series was actually the sixth to air!
(*Three years* after the script was finished! And the
animation was still terrible!)
The above quote is in reference to the episode "Longshot," one of the most delay-ridden episodes of the series.
For the sake of completion, below is the X-Men: The Animated Series episode order as determined by Fox Kids airdates.
Night of the Sentinels, Part I
Night of the Sentinels, Part II
Enter Magneto
Deadly Reunions
Captive Hearts
Cold Vengeance
Slave Island
The Unstoppable Juggernaut
The Cure
Come the Apocalypse
Days of Future Past, Part I
Days of Future Past, Part II
The Final Decision
'Til Death Do Us Part, Part I
'Til Death Do Us Part, Part II
Whatever It Takes
Red Dawn
Repo Man
X-Ternally Yours
Time Fugitives, Part I
Time Fugitives, Part II
A Rogue's Tale
Beauty and the Beast
Reunion, Part I
Reunion, Part II
Out of the Past, Part I
Out of the Past, Part II
The Phoenix Saga: Sacrifice, Part I
The Phoenix Saga: Dark Shroud, Part II
The Phoenix Saga: Cry of the Banshee, Part III
The Phoenix Saga: Starjammers, Part IV
The Phoenix Saga: Child of Light, Part V
Savage Land, Savage Heart, Part I
Savage Land, Savage Heart, Part II
The Dark Phoenix: Dazzled, Part I
The Dark Phoenix: Inner Circle, Part II
The Dark Phoenix: Dark Phoenix, Part III
The Dark Phoenix: The Fate of Phoenix, Part IV
Cold Comfort
Orphan's End
Juggernaut Returns
Weapon X, Lies, & Videotape
One Man's Worth, Part I
One Man's Worth, Part II
Proteus, Part I
Proteus, Part II
Sanctuary, Part I
Sanctuary, Part II
Beyond Good and Evil, Part I: The End of Time
Beyond Good and Evil, Part II: Promise of Apocalypse
Beyond Good and Evil, Part III: The Lazarus Chamber
Beyond Good and Evil, Part IV: End and Beginning
Have Yourself a Morlock Little Christmas
The Lotus and the Steel
Love in Vain
Secrets No Longer Buried
Xavier Remembers
Family Ties
The Phalanx, Part I
The Phalanx, Part II
A Deal with the Devil
No Mutant Is An Island
Storm Front, Part I
Storm Front, Part II
Jubilee's Fairy Tale Theatre
Fifth Horseman
Old Soldiers
Hidden Agenda
Graduation Day
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