Real Name: Remy Lebeau
First Appearance: Night Of The Sentinels, Part One
Voice: Chris Potter
A thief from Louisiana, the Cajun is the most mysterious member of
The X-Men, and little is known about his past. He left Louisiana and joined The X-Men after he became tired
of a pointless lifelong feud between the Thief�s and Assassins.
Gambit posses the ability to charge small objects with an unknown energy, causing them to explode a short while
He began developing feelings for Rouge once in the group, and constantly found himself battling for her affections.
The cocky Cajun was all too aware that the Southern Belle had similar feelings for him, but her inability to touch
people often left him without a leg to stand on.
His mysterious past almost cost him The X-Men�s trust, as a time traveller named Bishop travelled back in time to
kill Gambit, blaming him for the upcoming death of Senator Kelly, a death that would start the war between mutants
and humans and create a Sentinel ruled future. He proved his innocence by saving Kelly from Mystique, a shape-shifting
mutant who morphed into Gambit, hoping to frame him. After the incident, he again helped The X-Men save President Kelly,
this time from The Sentinels, proving himself worthy of their trust and a worthy ally in the fight for mutant rights.