The Starjammers
First Appearance: The Phoenix Saga, Part Two
Christopher Summers life changed forever when his plane crashed. He and his wife strapped their eldest son, Scott into a parachute, and tied his little brother Alex to him, and pushed them out to their safety. Whilst Scott and Alex fell to their safety, Summers and his wife were teleported to a Sh�iar cruiser by D�Ken.
After D�Ken killed Summers wife in front of him, the Starjammers, a group of space pirates, rescued Chris. He took a new name, Corsair, and became their leader, with avenging his wife on the top of his �to do� list.
After learning of D�Ken�s intentions to steal the Em Cron Crystal, a device which would give him infinite power, Corsair resorted to whatever tactics necessary to keep the crystal away from him, including kidnapping Cyclops and asking him to kill D�Ken with one almighty shot from his optic visor.
When his plan was foiled, Corsair watched in horror as D�Ken gained the crystals power until he was defeated by The Phoenix. The X-Men didn�t hear from him again until he needed their help from