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Deadly Reunions
Review and Media by James Harvey

Episode #4 - Deadly Reunions
Original Airdate - January 23rd, 1993

Xavier and Magneto finally meet face to face again, whilst Wolverine saves Jubilee from Sabertooth's attack in the mansion.

Written By: Donald F. Glut
Music Composed By: Shuki Levy
Animation Services By: AKOM
Guest Starring: Cal Dodd as Wolverine, Norm Spencer as Cyclops, Cedric Smith as Professor Charles Xavier, Len Carlson as Senator Kelly, and David Hemblam as Magneto.

Review: And now we�re in Part 2. And . . . wow . . . now this is how you do a two-part episode. There are so many great moments in this episode that I can�t help but list them off. Xavier versus Magneto! Wolverine versus Sabretooth! Jubliee versus a wall (and the wall wins!) Rogue touching Scott! It just felt like there was just one fun scene after another.

Most viewers agree that Jubliee was a pretty big hindrance for the series since episode one, and her stupidity is rewarded here. After releasing Sabretooth by accident, she�s promptly thrown against a wall by the evil mutant when Wolverine comes to save the day. Sure she may end up saving the day at the end but the joy of seeing her momentarily taken out is almost enough to give this episode a perfect score.

Now, as for the rest of the episode, it clearly belongs to Xavier and Magneto. Facing off against each other, their separate philosophies come head to head in a violent showdown. What makes this confrontation work is the speech Magneto gives, a dark explanation of his motive fueled by his treatment during World War 2. Despite not going into specific horrific detail about that event, the delivery and words used drive home Magneto�s motivation enough to make you actually sympathize for him.

Add in a fan-boy moment with Rogue absorbing Scott�s powers and you have a great cap-off to the introduction to Magneto. While Magneto�s character would eventually become complicated and watered down, his bare bones, brutal portrayal here sells him as a credible threat.
