Review by Stu, Media by Jim Harvey
Episode #14 - Til Death Do Us Part, Part One
Music Composed By: Shuki Levy Animation Services By: AKOM Guest Starring: Christopher Britton as Mr. Sinister, David Hemblen as Magneto, Ron Rubin as Morph, and John Stocker as Graydon Creed Review: The animation in this season was a big improvement, and the season long story arc began right away. The new villain, Mr. Sinister wasn�t anything like Magneto and unlike Magneto, this villain was evil. When I was a kid, he used to scare the crap out of me. Christopher Britton was absolutely perfect for the role and for once, they got a perfect design for the character. He didn�t really appear too much in these episodes, as he wasn�t the main villain, Morph was the main villain.I remember thinking how creepy it was seeing Morph again. The thought of him coming back didn�t occur to me when I first watched this and I was genuinely shocked to see him again! And now he was evil! He too had a creepy design, and SHOCK VALUE! Oh my God Morph is still alive! I don�t think anyone could�ve seen that coming! This episode also introduced one of my favourite groups into the show; The Friends Of Humanity. I found them to be a fantastic foil for the X-Men and the perfect example of what the X-Men fought against. Narrow minded prejudice people. I especially liked how they set up Beast. Speaking of setting up, Morph tricking the other X-Men into fighting each other came up with some genuinely clever ideas, especially Beast and Rouge�s argument in the hospital. Now only was he back (OH MY GOD!) but now he really was evil and manipulative! I thought the most disappointing part of the episode was its conclusion. I found the ending to be very under whelming. I knew we�d see Sinister and Evil Morph again, but I thought that the way this particular episode ended was a little rushed and lacked any real conclusion. I usually love the continuity in this series but here; I thought it left too much to be told in later episodes. It�s also worth noting� Cyclops is a fashion disaster in or out of his costume. A bright orange shirt and blue shorts. It was like watching Bart Simpson shoot laser beams out of his eyes. But still, one can�t complain at this story too much, especially seeing how good (and damn creepy!) Mr Sinister actually was and how much of an �OH MY GOD!� moment�s Morph�s return was. Screenshots: