Real Name: Kitty Pryde
First Appearance: The X-Impulse
Voice: Maggie Blue O'Hara
A typical valley girl, Kitty first discovered her powers when she began �phasing� through her floor. After Xavier contacted her and her parents, she moved to the Institute to learn how to control her powers.
She later started to fall for Lance, a member of The Brotherhood. Their relationship rocked back and forth and took a major turning point when Lance decided to join The X-Men! After constantly taking abuse from everyone inside The Institute, Lance attempted to stop the other New Recruits from taking the X-Jet out for a spin.
After he was wrongly accused, he left The X-Men. Kitty pleaded with him to stay, but Lance knew things wouldn�t work out between them. He later tried to save her when The Brotherhood attacked The X-Men, but after mutants were revealed, Kitty realised that Lance was simply a thug and he would never change.
After he refused to originally help her and The X-Men tackle Apocalypse, Kitty�s opinion hadn�t changed much. He later arrived (via a stolen helijet, no less) and helped her to her feet after she fell at the hands of Magneto. They later left with their arms around each other.