X-Men: Evolution Media
The X-Men: Evolution media section features related sounds clips, video clips and
avatars, freely available to use and share. Please continue below for further information.
Please click the link below for a selection of avatars from every X-Men: Evolution episode.
X-Men: Evolution Avatars
Sound Clips
Click on the links below to access each clip, or right-click to download. All clips are in the MP3 format.
X-Men: Evolution - Beast In The Ampitheatre
X-Men: Evolution - Evan Theme
X-Men: Evolution - Magneto Persuades
X-Men: Evolution - Rogue's Coda
X-Men: Evolution - Spyke Edit 2
X-Men: Evolution - Storm Rescue
X-Men: Evolution - Toad's Theme
X-Men: Evolution - Wanda Coda Mood Out
Video Clips
Click on the images below to open and access the video clips below, or right-click to download. Video
clips below include both versions of the X-Men: Evolution opening credits, a commercial for the
series, and the final scene from the last X-Men: Evolution episode. The below clips are in the Quicktime and MP4 formats. Please click on the images below for more.
Please note that more X-Men: The Animated Series media, including a wealth of image galleries, is available in the Backstage section.