Cajun Spice
Review and Media by Stu
Episode #48 - Cajun Spice
Original Airdate October 4th, 2003
Gambit kidnaps Rogue, offering her a chance to get away from it all. But does he have a different plan in mind?
Written By: Michael Merton, Greg Johnson
Directed By: Frank Paur
Music Composed By: William Anderson
After a few all too brief appearances over the last season and a bit, we’re finally seeing a Gambit focused episode come to pass. With a show with a cast as large as this, we were bound to see some sacrifices in character development with some individuals, but I always thought Gambit was too cool to simply be a background character. I’ve never found the character to be interesting in the comics, but I thought they did a great job with him here in this show.
Rogue, I feel was often overused in this show. A hell of a lot of villains were beaten because she absorbed their powers, and nearly every main plot point featured her or her relationship with Mystique. Someone in charge obviously realised this, as this was Rogue’s first appearance since Impact. I’m glad they gave the character a rest, even if it was only for a short few episodes.
As for the episode itself, I really enjoyed this one. I know I’m one of few who does like it, but I thought Gambit stole the show here and it made for something a little different. The thieves/assassin feud from the comics isn’t as anywhere as lame as it has been previously shown but that could honestly be because it’s barely focused on. The main brunt is Rogue/Gambit’s relationship and the whole parent theme. Personally, I’d had enough of Rogue’s moping, but there was some great sequences in Louisiana to make up for it. Once again, I have to give major credit to William Anderson, the series’ composer. He hasn’t got nearly enough credit for his excellent, unique work on the show, which I think is a travesty, because he absolutely nailed the tone of this show perfectly. This episode featured some of his best work, in my opinion.
Overall, a pretty decent episode, with a lot of fun to be had.
