Dark Horizons, Part One
Review by Arsenal and Media by Stu
Episode #42 - Dark Horizons, Part One
Original Airdate September 9th, 2003
Magneto interupts Scott and Jean's Graduation to inform Xavier that Mesmero has abducted Rogue in hopes to free
Apocalypse from his tomb.
Written By: Craig Kyle and Chris Yost
Directed By: Frank Paur
Music Composed By: William Anderson
Guest Starring: Bill Switzer as Cannonball, Tony Sampson as Berzerker and Andrew Francis as Bobby "Iceman" Drake
How good was this episode? So good that it could be mostly exposition and still be compelling.
Rogue’s action sequences were well thought-out so it never seemed implausible that one woman could incapacitate entire teams. Of course, Pietro would be too fast to grab on the first try. Of course, she would have to fool Magneto to touch him. The scenes were well written enough that her success did not diminish her victims. Sure, the Gambit kiss was a fan-wank, and it raises the question if Rogue exercised any control when manipulated by Mesmero; but that’s a splinter in the side of a monsterpiece.
The last-day-of-school shenanigans were brief and fabulously animated. Kitty and Kurt make a fun comedy duo. (Though they’ll never be as amusing as the Brotherhood. “I hate this part.” Love it.) Most importantly, the graduation stuff never gets in the way of action.
Good episode. The Apocalypse stories were Evolution’s best, and this is no exception.
