Turn Of The Rogue
Review And Media by Stu
Episode #7 - Turn Of The Rogue
Original Airdate January 27th, 2000
Scott and Rogue are sent on a school trip to study caves when things take a turn for the worst...
Written By: Greg Johnson
Directed By: Boyd Kirkland
Music Composed By: William Anderson
Guest Starring: Kirby Morrow as Cyclops/Scott Summers, Scott McNeil as Wolverine/Logan, Venus Terzo as Jean Grey,
David Kaye as Professor Charles Xavier, Richard Newman as Mr. Rodetski and Colleen Wheeler as Mystique/Raven Darkholme.
This episode brings the Rogue arc to a close, and dips into her relationship with Cyclops and Mystique. It’s a nice change of pace from this season’s formula, and works pretty well.
I liked the beginning, especially Scott’s questioning as to why they saw Rogue as their enemy. This version of Scott really did want to be everyone’s friend, you can see that from the very first episode, even though he didn’t like Toad, he felt it was worth his time to try and get him to come to the Institute. Even on the bus with Rogue, he still wasn’t trying to make enemies, despite the fact she clearly wasn’t feeling the same way.
Mystique is better used here, she’s not just the school bully, she’s actually shown as someone with a little power here. I think it was wise not to have Magneto tell her what to do in this episode; she appears as less of a puppet. What gets me about this season, is that we’re not even told why Mystique continually works for Magneto, especially after what we saw in the opening of Shadowed Past. I’m glad they decided to turn against each other in the finale, it really was a tiresome storyline.
Overall, an above average episode, with some great action scenes and a fine use of location.
