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Iron Man On The Inside
Review and Media by Amazing Spidey

Episode #19 - Iron Man On The Inside
Original Airdate November 4th 1995

Iron Man must shrink himself to the size of an atom in order to save Hawkeye as HOMER contracts a virus.

Screenplay By: Steve Cuden
Directed By: Dan Thompson
Music By: Keith Emmerson
Animation By: Koko Enterprises
Guest Starring: Robert Hayes as Iron Man/Tony Stark,Jennifer Hale as Julia Carpenter, John Reilly as Hawkeye, Tom Kane as HOMER.

Review: An episode I didn�t like after it�s original viewing, but one that seems to grow on me the more I watch it. The beginning perfectly sums up this seasons version of Tony Stark, in that he works until he�s physically spent. I was surprised at how quickly he snapped at Hawkeye. What also came as a bit of a surprise � Ultimo! This caught Tony by surprise too, resulting in a hilarious �Ultimo! I thought I already beat this son of a--!� line. It was arguably one of the show�s funniest lines.

The plane landing on Hawkeye looked especially brutal. I�m glad the censors didn�t get to this show as much as Spider-Man and X-Men, because it meant the fights in this show were allowed to be good, and actually involve, well� fighting, rather than Iron Man missing every single punch. Whilst syndicating the eventually put the final nail in Iron Man�s coffin, it did allow them to go further than Spidey and X-Men in a lot of areas.

This episode isn�t too light on the humour department in any respect. Another thing it�s not light on is its armour changes. He must have used at least 6 different armours throughout the episode! I always dug the way he could change his armour at will, although I still have no idea what use some of them have (Samurai armour anyone?)

The villain of the piece, The Hacker was surprisingly weak and he looked freakishly like Ultimate Peter Parker. Spidey�s alter ego even got a mention in this episode as HOMER went nuts after a virus infiltrated his system. Funny stuff.

The best aspect of the episode, however, was the end with Iron Man finally trying to rekindle his friendship with Hawkeye. I�m glad it didn�t, as it would�ve proved a little too easy, and the relationship between Iron Man and Hawkeye was actually better when they were bitter towards one another. I�m glad we got to see more of Hawkeye than the rest of Forceworks. Unlike Century and Wanda, the archer actually proved to be an interesting character, when properly utilised.

Overall, this episode wasn�t especially memorable in anyway, but still proved enjoyable.
