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Iron Man To The Second Power, Part 2
Review and Media by Amazing Spidey

Episode #9 - Iron Man To The Second Power, Part 2
Original Airdate 26th November 1994

With The Mandarin's Iron Man now threatning to release dark water fever throughout Earth, Iron Man must battle The Living Laser and clear his name.

Screenplay By: Ron Friedman
Music By: Keith Ammerson
Animation By: Rainbow Animation Group
Guest Starring: Robert Hayes as Iron Man/The Living Laser, Dorian Harewood asWar Machine/Jim Rhodes/Backlash, Casey Defranco as Julia Carpenter/Spider-Woman, John Reilly as Hawkeye/Clint Barton, James Warwick as Century, Katherine Moffat as Scarlet Witch, Ed Gilbert as The Mandarin, Jim Cummings as Modok, Neil Dickson as Dreadknight, Dorian Harewood as Whirlwind, Chuck McCann as Blizzard, and Tony Steedman as Justin Hammer

This episode mainly consisted of Forceworks looking for Iron Man, whilst the goons started preparing the world for Dark Water Fever.

This episode didn�t really live up to part 1, but there was a nice fight scene under water with Living Laser and Iron Man, conveniently in his under water armour, which was one of the more popular toys this show produced. The crappy one-liners came in thick and thin in the fight, and for once, Spider-Woman and The Scarlet Witch did something other than bicker about Tony�s affections.

The producers obviously tried to do something different here, it was the first 2 parter the show had, and the main fight was set at night, which never happened again. Interestingly enough, most of the season 2 episode took place at night, perhaps in an effort to make people forget about this terrible season!

Iron Man vs. Iron Man was pretty predictable, again, a very poor conclusion. It was nothing more than disappointing, just like the rest season one.
