Ultimate Spider-Man: Ultimate Villains
We get the scoop on Spidey's Ultimate villains!

When your Friendly Neighborhood Wallcrawler returns to animated television in Ultimate Spider-Man April 1 on Disney XD, he�ll bring a number of classic Marvel villains with him.

Ultimate Spider-Man Associate Producer Harrison Wilcox discusses four of the baddies you can expect to see.


�Doctor Octopus is actually the design that we�ve played with the most,� remarks Wilcox. �He�s not the fat guy with a bowl cut. Before the series begins, he�s suffered a horrific injury and can�t use his arms or legs. He�s essentially atrophied to the point where his metal arms have to do his work for him. His suit acts as an iron lung, and he can�t survive outside of his suit.

�He works for Norman Osborn. He�s sort of subservient to Norman, but at the same time has his own agenda. He�s more about the science at the beginning of the series, and then as we get further along, the more he interacts with Spider-Man, the more obsessed Ock gets with capturing and eventually attempting to kill him.�


�Doctor Doom is a little bit different in this series,� says Wilcox. �We�re earlier in his continuity, if you wanted to compare him to the comics, because he isn�t the evil super villain yet. He�s a dictator, but he�s not living outside the law, he has an embassy in New York, and the first time Spidey and his gang meet him, they�ve actually gone to Latveria, so they�re the aggressors in the situation.

�He�s not a magician yet in our series. He�s just about the suit and the tech and the Doombots and all the fun of that. But he definitely is the biggest bad in the universe of Ultimate Spider-Man.�


�The Trapster is sort of Spidey�s go-to villain for the beginning of the season,� reveals Wilcox. �He�s not the intelligent inventor from the comic with a bag of tricks. On the show he�s all things glue gun. In this series, every time he and Spidey have fought, they make a big mess everywhere, and that�s sort of a catalyst for Nick Fury recruiting Spidey.�


�Venom actually has a completely new origin that we think the fans are really going to like in the series,� teases Wilcox. �I can�t really tell you too much about it without spoiling, but the symbiote has a link to Oscorp.�

�There�s an evolution to the suit in our series. It starts out in a more as a goo form, and then it becomes closer to the actual suit and continues to evolve further into something kind of frightening.�

Check out much more at Marvel Animation Age.
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