Ultimate Spider-Man
#44 - Guardians of the Galaxy
Original Airdate - July 21st, 2013
Spider-Man and Nova team up with The Guardian�s of the Galaxy on a deep space adventure to save Earth from destruction.
Ultimate Spider-Man is produced by Marvel Animation and carries a TV-Y7-FV parental guideline.
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Ultimate Spider-Man, Season 2, Episode #18 - "Guardians of the Galaxy" ... um, no witty quote
Akin to "Journey of the Iron Fist" and "Ultimate Deadpool," this is one more episode that falls into the actually good category. Naturally, the flawed humor and the non-funny cutaway gags are still there, but strangely they are all toned down to a minimum. Some are even funny.
If I had to pick some flaws, they would be scarce. For instance, I disliked most of the voice acting regarding the Guardians. When compared to their The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroesw counterparts (or rather Raccoon, Groot, Star-Lord and Korvac, at least), they fall flat and sound somewhat bland. Design-wise, I have zero complaints, or rather one if you can call disliking the "copying the upcoming movie" look a worthy complaint. Another problem I had was the fact that Nova did not, in fact, stay with the Guardians. That would: a. make for interesting storytelling; b. deliver an interesting twist in the whole team dynamic; and most importantly, c. be a perfect backdoor pilot for an in-universe GotG animated series. Well, spilt milk and all that.
Surprisingly, there was a character in this episode that I simply loved. And that is Groot. He looks badass, he fights in an epic fashion, and even his funny bits are, well, funny. Being in this show, that says a lot. His character design is by far the best in this episode, closely followed by Gamora (who, to my dismay, did not get the time to shine in this episode, or do anything worthwhile) and Rocket Raccoon. I doubt that the writers of this particular episode tried intentionally to make Groot stand out that much, considering that Rocket is usually the poster-boy of the Guardians, but this tree did in fact shine, and brightly so.
Should this streak of decent episodes continue, maybe there's hope for, I daresay, a good if not excellent season three.
by Kumori Myu-Jishan, July 22, 2013, Post-Armageddon Year
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