Ultimate Spider-Man
#48 - Sandman Returns
Original Airdate - October 27th, 2013
Spider-Man tries to help the Sandman reform and become a hero, but Spidey soon finds out that his new friend fights old instincts.
Ultimate Spider-Man is produced by Marvel Animation and carries a TV-Y7-FV parental guideline.
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Review by Jeff Harris
An episode that goes against many of the major criticisms against the show, including continuing off of events that have been developing over the last two seasons. Sandman is still imprisoned with S.H.I.E.L.D. Spider-Man is still haunted by the loss of Dr. Connors. Luke Cage's parents are now all better and have taken over Connors old position.
Spider-Man trying to help one of his old rogues is consistent with his character in the comics. I especially liked the scene where Spidey's team didn't like the idea of working with Sandman. They ask why and Spider-Man says, "Because we're the good guys! We're supposed to help people." Bell's delivery was excellent there. Spidey hopes if he can help someone like Sandman who wants to become better, maybe he can also eventually help Connors, one of his major losses.
I like that at the end, instead of letting Peter have it in a vulnerable moment Fury said he was proud of Spider-Man. I like that the writers have evolved Fury into more of a father-figure for Spider-Man instead of constantly being a strict authoritarian leader. Even though Spider-Man failed with Sandman, what he attempted was good.
I enjoyed seeing Andy the Android again, and the way he was incorporated into the story was clever. Granted, it wasn't much different to how Spider-Man first defeated Sandman.
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