Ultimate Spider-Man
#75 - Contest of the Champions, Part Four
Original Airdate - October 24th, 2015 (Third Season Finale)
The Grandmaster has won the Contest of Champions, but Spider-Man asks for a winner-take-all rematch in which the Collector must play the most crucial part of all.
Ultimate Spider-Man is produced by Marvel Animation and carries a TV-Y7-FV parental guideline.
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By RoyalRubble
I thought this was a pretty satisfying conclusion to the Contest of Champions story-arc. It was nice seeing both the Collector and the Grandmaster in action, not only controlling the games. I admit Collector got a little annoying with his constant worrying about his older brother but he did manage to overcome his fears and help Spidey win in the end. The dialogue seemed a little too childish at times in this entire arc (especially between the two Elders of the Universe), but it was harmless enough I guess, just tedious. It offered some pretty decent character development for Collector, I just didn't really care for his character arc.
It was pretty awesome seeing all the heroes gathered together, though I wish they would have done more instead of focusing again on only a few of them. I'm not sure what brilliant reasoning Spidey used to put together his final team to go up against the Grandmaster, but it was predictable after how the previous battles went down that only him (and in this case, the Collector) would make it to the end.
The parts with Aunt May were pretty good. I didn't really like her going up against the Absorbing Man though I understand why she did that, to save her nephew. There was also the possibility she might even manage to knock him out after he lost to Black Widow in a previous round. And of course, there's still no mention as to what happened to Black Widow in the last episode. But Aunt May was handled well enough and while it doesn't really make up for all the episodes she was absent from, this was still better than nothing. The ending was a nice moment, though the explanation as to how or when Aunt May realized Peter was Spidey could have been handled better. Still, it was a pretty great and happy moment, something Spidey hasn't really gone through in a while.
... I honestly didn't realize Nova was nowhere to be seen in this arc until he popped up at the end. I doubt he would have made the episodes any better, anyway. I guess he's such a well-developed character I didn't even notice he was missing. :p
All things considered, this was a pretty good arc. It could have been a lot better in some parts but still it was an entertaining experience for me. I like how it also works as a season finale, giving Spidey a somewhat happy ending.
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