Review by Stu, Media by Jim Harvey
Episode #58 - Beyond Good And Evil, Part Four Music Composed By: Shuki Levy Animation Services By: AKOM Review: This is when the story hit the fan, in my opinion. This episode is easily the weakest of the entire story, mainly due to how quickly everything seems to move. I really don�t understand just how Apocalypse was defeated and struggle to grasp what he was actually planning on doing with the psychics. For a great villain like Apocalypse, his ending sure did suck. Luckily he was brought back later!I did like a few bits and pieces from the episode, such as Magneto turning traitor on big A, and his and Mystique�s original attack, but again, why was Mystique there, and why did she turn on someone who�s �owned� her since the beginning of the show? In turn, I also liked Wolverine and Magneto�s exchanges (Look who I�m saving, you�d think I was Xavier!) but the episode�s promising points are covered in a sea of bad storytelling and general confusion. It�s a shame; the previous 3 parts deserved a much stronger conclusion, as did the main villain. Thankfully, this didn�t take place too late in the series, and more great stories were told, because this simply doesn�t cut it. Beyond Good and Evil Part 4 is simply a disappointment. Screenshots: |