X-Men: Evolution - Mystique's Revenge

Release Information:
Format: DVD
Packaging Type: Amaray
Media Quantity: 1
Run Time: 60 Minutes

Shadow Dance
HeX Factor
Day Of Reckoning, Part One
Day Of Reckoning, Part Two
Aspect Ratio(s): 4:3

Edition Details:
• Encoding: Region
• Animated, Color

Review and Scans By Stu

Kudos to WB for upping the episode number to 5 to give us the rest of the season. Whilst it’s common logic to do this, common logic sometimes escapes Warner’s DVD department. The sheer number of Batman single discs available is living proof of their sometimes-idiotic marketing department…

The episodes themselves are the opening stages of where the series really starts picking up and some of the very finest episodes are available on this disc. The two-part finale is still a shocker, even to this day! Those two episodes alone are more than worth the price of the disc.

Toad’s Test isn’t worth the time it takes you play it, but the Turning Point feature is a very entertaining look at the final 3 episodes of the season with comments from the creators thrown in. It was very tightly written and they explain that they were really trying to up the level of excitement in this finale and how they trying to make Mystique the top villain in the show, and show her as a great threat to everyone, not just The X-Men.

To be blunt, Day Of Reckoning is on this set. That’s really all you need to know…