X-Men: Evolution - The Complete Third Season

Release Information
Announce Date: 2/15/06
Street Date: 5/23/06
Format: DVD
Packaging Type: Amaray Double-Disc
Media Quantity: 2
Run Time: 273 Minutes

Disc 1 - Day of Recovery; Stuff of Heroes; Mainstream; Stuff of Villains; Blind Alley; X-Treme Measures; The Toad, the Witch, & the Wardrobe; Self Possessed
Disc 2 - Under Lock & Key; Cruise Control; Weapon X 23; Dark Horizon Part I; Dark Horizon Part II

DVD Features
Challenges: Wolverine's Trivia Challenge
Featurette: Season 3 X-Posed; The Evolution of X-Men
Challenges: Mystique's Trivia Challenge
Featurette: The X-Men; Tales of The X-Men
Aspect Ratio(s): 4:3

Espanol: Dolby Surround Stereo 2.0
English: Dolby Surround Stereo 2.0
Francais: Dolby Surround Stereo 2.0

Edition Details
• Encoding: Region
• Animated, Color

Review and Scans by Bird Boy

Originally airing on television in 2002-2003, X-Men Evolution’s third season spanned a rich season opener to an equally satisfying two-part season finale. Within the walls of this highly enjoyable season are some of the finer Evolution episodes; the departure of original characters (Spyke) and the creation of new ones (X23) who even have been adopted into the X-Men comic lore, Evolution’s third season is certainly nothing to scoff at.

Fans of X-Men Evolution have been waiting a very long time for the third of the four seasons to hit DVD. Over a year since the last volume of season two was released, the third season picks up right were the second seasons ending of a destroyed Mutant School. After the tense season opener, we’re given a series of episodes that range from great (“The Stuff of Heroes”) to poor (“X23”). Although a mixed bag at times, the third season of X-Men Evolution does not disappoint the fans of the previous two.

Coming in a typical style two-disc amaray case, the season set feels very much like Warner Home Video’s recent "The Batman: Season 1" and "Teen Titans: Season 1" DVD releases. Same packaging, same number of discs and even an insert describing the disc contents, which is always a plus; unfortunately for the fans of the show, this set mimics "The Batman: Season 1" more than "Teen Titans: Season 1", particularly in the special features department.

Video and audio is solid for an animation release. There are a lot of aliasing issues on the video, but no interlacing from what I could see. Odd to have one without the other and it’s a shame that the aliasing is so noticeable at times, as it mars the otherwise gorgeous digital transfer of the show. Audio is a bit disappointing when comparing it to other releases; it almost sounds rather weak and really doesn’t do much, even in the intense fight sequences. In the end the dialogue, music and action all come through clear, so there’s certainly nothing to scoff at.

As previously mentioned the special features are a bit weak. The only thing fans of the show will get is a six minute featurette with the producers of the show that basically summarize season three and set up season four. Not a whole lot of information is new, but it’s still a decent watch. All other special features are easily skippable; mutant bios narrated by Xavier and a very easy quiz with Mystique voicing over. While it is neat to hear the original voice actors talking over these features (especially after not hearing them produce anything new for the show since it ended years ago), there isn’t much left to the special features aside from trailers for the other X-Men DVDs.

Overall this is a must own package for fans of the show, but not a good jumping point for new fans. While the release of this set is perfect (with the new X-Men film opening just days after this DVD hits shelves), hopefully Warner doesn’t wait as long to release the nine-episode fourth season. Maybe when X3 hits DVD? This fan can hope!