Review and Media By Stu
Episode #22 - Spider-Man Meets The Girl From Tomorrow Written By: Dennis Marks Music Composed By: John Douglas Guest Starring: Micheal Bell as Dr. Octopus Review: Certainly a weird episode of the show as it seems so out of character of Spider-Man to simply abandon his life and everyone he knows for a girl he�s known for all of 5 mere minutes. I�ve absolutely no idea why but I�ve always been a sucker for the romance in this show � I think there�s something so charming about the relationship between the three heroes and their feelings towards each other. Both of the guys clearly like her and she seems to show affection towards both of them but with the exception of one scene in which Peter and Bobby explain to each other that neither would dare make a move towards her in case of ruining their team, so nothing ever happened between either Bobby and Angelica or Peter and Angelica (or Peter and Bobby, for those of you who are no doubt sniggering to yourselves right now!) This episode actually sees Peter and Angelica kiss before he decides to leave that came as a great shock to me. Ignoring for a moment that the relationship between Peter and Ariel�s relationship is so rushed it makes Super girl and Brainiac 5�s romance from Justice League Unlimited seem like Romeo and Juliet, I actually felt bad for her. Such a sweet little scene� The villain of the piece is Dr. Octopus, who is arguably a throwaway villain here, which is extremely odd, at the time this show was in production, Doc Ock was arguably Spidey�s chief nemesis, as The Green Goblin was dead and Hobgoblin, Venom and Carnage hadn�t been created yet. His design is based on his classic version from the good old John Romita Sr days, and his voice is none other than voice acting legend Michael Bell, who also played Bruce Banner over on The Incredible Hulk. I�ve always liked Doc Ock and feel that none of his animated appearances have really done him justice. He basically became a lackey in the 90�s series after a very, very promising start in Dr. Octopus: Armed And Dangerous (despite a horrid battle armour) but quickly fumbled after spending too much time working for The Kingpin. It wasn�t until Spider-Man 2 that we got a really kick ass version of the good Doctor. As it stands, he�s not really one of the strongest villains in this season. Not a terrible episode, laughable in parts sure, but nothing too cringe worthy to be found here. Screenshots: |