X-Men: Evolution Backstage
Featuring a wealth of content exploring the history of the acclaimed X-Men: Evolution, this
section includes interviews, image galleries, original content and archived material - all of which is focused on different
aspects of the X-Men: Evolution production history. This section provides a behind-the-scenes
angle to one of the most profilic animated series of all time. Continue below to explore the different facets of
this extraordinary animated-adventure title! The content below comes from a host of different outlets and
sources, and is reproduced without consent strictly for archival purposes.
Below is a collection of assorted interview performed by Marvel Animation Age webmasters Stu and
James Harvey with members of the X-Men: Evolution creative team.
Boyd Kirkland, X-Men: Evolution Producer, Writer, Director
Boyd Kirkland On X-Men: Evolution Season Three
Boyd Kirkland - X-Men: Evolution Season Three Finale
Frank Paur, X-Men: Evolution Director
Steven E Gordon - Evolving The X-Men in X-Men: Evolution
Kirby Morrow, X-Men: Evolution Voice Actor - Cyclops/Scott Summers
Click on the links below to view an assortment of images related to the X-Men: Evolution animated series,
including production artwork and screens from the show itself.
Production Artwork
Episode Backgrounds
Miscellaneous Images
Articles Archive
This section collects a selection of X-Men: Evolution articles and interviews covering
certain aspects of the show's history. The content below comes from a host of different outlets and
sources from the past twenty years - including Wizard Magazine, Comics2Film and others -
and is reproduced without consent strictly for archival purposes. Please click on the links below
for more.
X-Men: Evolution - Marvel's mutants latest TV toon
Previewing X-Men: Evolution
X-Men: Evolution's Wolverine
Introducing X-Men: Evolution's Spyke
X-Men: Evolution Convention Panel
X-Men Evolve in X-Men: Evolution's Second Season
X-Men: Evolution Cancelled
X-Men: Evolution Cast List